Platinum Sponsor: Cost of the Full Event
The Platinum sponsor gets to display their full-size banner right behind the speakers on the high table.
Platinum Sponsor gets a chair on the High Table along at the opening Ceremony and a slot for their speech/presentation.
They also get a big table at the most prominent place at the entrance to display their products and are free to distribute literature and promotional material through-out the conference.

Gold Sponsors: ZMW 25,000
Gold Sponsors get their logo displayed with-in the Zambia Paediatric Association Banner.
Gold Sponsors also get to be mentioned in the presentation by the President of ZPA
A big table to display their products and merchandise.
They are free to distribute literature and promotional material through-out the conference.

Silver Sponsors: ZMW 15,000
Silver Sponsors get to display their logo with-in the Zambia Paediatric Association Banner.
Silver Sponsors get to be mentioned in the presentation by the President ZP

Bronze Sponsors: ZMW 10,000
Standard Table to display their products and merchandize.